Bio :
Freelancer in sales and consulting on domestic and international logistics and transportation services
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22 years old, driver's license C-CQC-tachograph card
Bio :
PERSONAL INFORMATION SERENA COCUMELLI Via vecchia labrofico, 10 03013 Ferentino FR 347 4066677 347 4066677 Gender F | Date of birth 18/06/1977 | Nationality Italian POSITION RICOPERTA RSPP Integrated Management System Manager SGI (9001+45001+14001+3834+1090) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE From May 2008 to present CIEM SPA ▪ RSPP : ▪ Information/training...
Bio :
Buongiono, my name is Rogerio Balsimelli, I am a C+E truck driver looking for a new job in the Frosinone region, my phone/whatsapp number: 3312527749